
Pacman (C++ & SFML)

- Use of SFML library for graphics and animation.
- Clock system for animation and to make game framerate independent.
- 2D grid system for player and ghost movement.
- Implementation of collision system.
- AI controlled ghosts with three different modes.
- Randomized difficulty curve as per level.
- Implementation of power-up's. Level win and lose conditions.

Delta Unit (Unity)

- Implementation of MVC design pattern for player tank, enemy tank and bullets.
- Implementation of generic singleton class and generic object pool.
- Use of scriptable objects for creating different types of tanks.
- Implementation of state design pattern for different states of enemy tank i.e. patrolling, chasing and attack state.
- Use of nav-mesh component for movement of enemy tank.
- Shooting mechanism for both player tank and enemy tank.
- Use of observer pattern for implementing achievement system.
- Randomized spawning of different types of tanks. UI for health.

Castle Guard (Unreal Engine)

- Menu system to save and load the game.
- Character movements and melee combat system.
- Player and enemy animations.
- AI for enemy chasing and attack. Weapon equipping.
- Player stats like health, stamina and collectables.
- Sound effects, particle systems, pickups, HUD elements and gameplay mechanics.

Connect-4 (C++ & SFML)

- Use of SFML library for graphics and audio.
- Implementation of clock system using chrono library.
- 2D grid system for gameplay mechanics.
- UI system for skip and restart button.
- Game loop and win conditions.

Wall & Eve (Unity)

- 2D endless runner game which has two different modes.
- Use of line renderer for creating string connection.
- Randomized spawning of obstacles.
- Implementation of pause/resume, restart and quit buttons.
- Game loop and score updation. Basic sound system.

Co-Op Snake 2D (Unity)

- Implementation of core functionality of snake game.
- Implementation of two player mode.
- Implementation of various power-up's and foods.
- Randomized spawing of collectables and power-up's.
- Basic UI like death, win, score, lobby UI for the game.

2D-Platformer (Unity)

- Fully customizable level win conditions for each Level.
- Covers basic concepts of 2D Platformer like movement, layers, flipping, animations, etc.
- Customizable collectables.
- Levels unlocking system.
- AI for 2D patrolling enemy.
- Responsive UI for player’s health and collectables.

Simple Shooter (Unreal Engine)

- Movement and animation of third person character.
- Shooting mechanics. Player and enemy health / death.
- Enemy AI using behavior trees.
- Win and lose conditions.
- Sound effects and particle systems.

Mars-Marine (Unreal Engine Blueprint)

- Unreal motion graphics to create player HUD.
- Character movement and animation blueprints.
- animation montages, state machine and blendspaces.
- AI navigation for enemy.
- AI wave spawning. Sound and particle effects. Pickups.
- Player shooting, health / death for player and enemy.

Crystal Cavern (Unreal Engine Blueprint)

- Level creation using unreal engine BSP tools.
- Lighting and sound effects.
- Player inputs and movement.
- Multiple timeline tracks.
- Level win and lose conditions.
- Obstacles and damage system.

Toon Tank (Unreal Engine Blueprint)

- Tank and turret movement implementation.
- Implementation of camera movements.
- Implementation of AI controled enemy tanks.
- Shooting mechanis for player and enemy.
- Game loop and win conditions.

City Builder (Unity)

- Implementation of grid system for object placement.
- Use of singleton design pattern for sound system.
- Use of scriptable objects for storing different building types.
- Flexiblity in spawning of objects.
- UI for selection of different objects.

Third Person Shooter (Unreal Engine Blueprint)

- Third person camera and player movement.
- Implementation of AI controled enemy weapon.
- Win and lose consitions.
- Implementation of collectables and weapon.
- Basic UI like death, win, score, health etc.

Tank Showcase (Unreal Engine)

- Implementation for changing material at runtime.
- Implementation for changing environment at runtime.
- Cinematics for tank showcase.
- Basic sound system.
- UI system for restart, mute and quit functions.